Institutional Partnerships

Institutional partnerships go a long way toward supporting our endeavors here at the CODEX Foundation. Your organization or institution can join for one or two years:



Annual Sustaining $1000 

- Listed on the home page of our website as an Institutional Partner.
- Publications: newest CODEX Papers journal and our newest CODE(x)+1 Monograph.

Annual Angel $5000

- Listed on the home page of our website as an Institutional Partner. 
- Publications: contact us for a free package of available publications, including the newest CODEX Papers journal and our newest CODE(x)+1 Monograph.



Biennial Contributing $1000

- Listed on the Biennial Fair & Symposium page of our website as an Institutional Partner.
- Listed in the Biennial Fair & Symposium directory.
- Publications: newest CODEX Papers journal and our newest CODE(x)+1 Monograph
- One ticket to the Symposium and fair ($300 value).

Biennial Sustaining $2500

- Listed on the Biennial Fair & Symposium page of our website as an Institutional Partner.
- Listed in the Biennial Fair & Symposium directory plus a free 1/2-page ad in the directory.
- Publications: contact us for a free package of available publications, including the newest CODEX Papers journal and our newest CODE(x)+1 Monograph.
- Two tickets to the symposium and fair ($600 value).

Biennial Benefactor $5000

- Listed on the Biennial Fair & Symposium page of our website as an Institutional Partner
- Listed in the Biennial Fair & Symposium directory plus a free full-page ad in the directory.
- Listed on the symposium presentation screen as an Institutional Partner
- Publications: all available publications, including the newest CODEX Papers journal and our newest CODE(x)+1 Monograph
- Up to six tickets to the symposium and fair ($1500 value)

We consider our Institutional Partners as co-conspirators in the book arts field. We are open to conversations facilitating collaborations between our institutions: exhibitions, publications, lectures, seminars, and the like.

For Institutions on a budget – if you are trying to support book arts programming at your institution and you don’t have a budget. Let us know – we will send you a free set of publications of our choosing.